did some more progress
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 242 additions and 53 deletions
@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
# Project - TODO:
[ ] Create a skeleton protocol
[ ] implement most of the skeleton
[ ] Create basic TCP server
[ ] Create basic client that connects to the server
[ ] Send ping message from client to server
[ ] Add more items based on skeleton protocol
[ ] Refine protocol using the implementation (and update stuff that got changed in impl)
[ ] Finish implementing the protocol
[ ] Update the protocol file with the latest structs and stuff
[ ] implement SendMessage at the server
[ ] implement Login
[ ] client
[ ] server
[ ] Figure out how to do the messages themselves
[ ] implement sending messages properly
[ ] implement message acks
## Protocol todo:
@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using lib;
namespace Client;
public class Program
static byte counter = 0;
static async Task Main(string[] args)
string user = args
@ -48,33 +52,38 @@ public class Program
// attempt to login here
var inputTask = Task.Run(async () => await HandleUserInput(client, stream));
var serverInput = Task.Run(async () => await HandleServerInput(client, stream));
_ = Task.WaitAny(inputTask, serverInput);
await HandleUserInput(client, stream, sk, privKey);
async static Task RegisterClient(string user, RSA pub, RSA priv, RSA server, Aes sk, NetworkStream stream)
byte counter = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to register with public key:");
// Generate aes key and send it forward
Console.WriteLine($"Session key: {string.Join(' ', sk.Key)}");
Console.WriteLine($"Session IV: {string.Join(' ', sk.IV)}");
byte[] skEnc = server.Encrypt([.. sk.Key, .. sk.IV], RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA256);
await stream.WriteAsync(skEnc);
// wait for the server to confirm it recieved the keys
await stream.ReadExactlyAsync(new byte[1]);
// Generate the Register msg
Console.WriteLine("Sending rsa public key thing");
byte[] pubBytes = pub.ExportRSAPublicKey();
byte[] data = new byte[12];
Array.Copy(Utils.NumberToBytes(user), data, 8);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(pubBytes.Length), 0, data, 8, 4);
byte[] msg = Request.CreateRequest(RequestType.Register, ref counter, data);
// Encrypt msg and send it
byte[] enc = sk.EncryptCfb(msg, sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
byte[] payload = [.. enc, .. pubBytes];
await stream.WriteAsync(payload);
byte[] payload = [.. msg, .. pubBytes];
byte[] enc = sk.EncryptCfb(payload, sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
Console.WriteLine($"payload length: {enc.Length}");
await stream.WriteAsync(enc);
// get the 6 digit code (from "secure channel", actually an OK message is expected here but the 6 digit code kinda replaces it)
byte[] digits = new byte[6];
@ -88,6 +97,7 @@ public class Program
// get the 6 digit code from the user
while (true)
Console.Write("> ");
string? code = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim();
if (code == null || code.Take(6).Any(c => !char.IsDigit(c)))
@ -104,7 +114,7 @@ public class Program
// Sign the 6 digit code & Generate ConfirmRegister message
byte[] signed = priv.SignData(codeBytes, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
msg = Request.CreateRequest(RequestType.ConfirmRegister, ref counter, [.. codeBytes, .. BitConverter.GetBytes(signed.Length)]);
enc = sk.EncryptCfb(msg, sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7); // no reason to encrpy the signature
enc = sk.EncryptCfb(msg, sk.IV, PaddingMode.None); // no reason to encrpy the signature
payload = [.. enc, .. signed]; // should be 128 (enc) + 256 (signed)
await stream.WriteAsync(payload);
// wait for OK/NACK response (anything other than OK is a NACK)
@ -137,10 +147,13 @@ public class Program
File.WriteAllText($"privkey_{user}.pem", priv.ExportRSAPrivateKeyPem());
static async Task HandleUserInput(TcpClient client, NetworkStream stream)
static async Task HandleUserInput(TcpClient client, NetworkStream stream, Aes sk, RSA privKey)
string? currentChat = null;
Dictionary<string, RSA> publicKeys = [];
while (client.Connected)
Console.Write("> ");
string? input = Console.ReadLine();
if (input == null)
@ -149,35 +162,139 @@ public class Program
else if (input.StartsWith('/'))
string[] words = input.Split(' ');
// Commands :D, i like commands
switch (input.ToLower())
switch (words[0].ToLower())
case "/quit":
case "/exit":
case "/q!":
case "/chat":
case "/msg":
string? old = currentChat;
currentChat = words.Length > 1 ? words[1] : null;
if (currentChat != null && currentChat.Length > 16)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid number: too long");
currentChat = old;
if (currentChat != null && !publicKeys.ContainsKey(currentChat))
// attempt to get the currnet chat's key, this is also possible to do just before sending a message
// but i decided to do it here since if better fits the current structure
RSA? key = await GetPublicKey(stream, sk, currentChat);
if (key != null)
publicKeys[currentChat] = key;
currentChat = old;
Console.WriteLine($"Reverting to previous chat: {currentChat ?? "none"}");
case "/read":
case "/get":
case "/fetch":
case "/pull":
await GetMessages(stream, sk, privKey, publicKeys);
Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}]Sent to server: {input}");
if (currentChat == null)
Console.WriteLine("No chat is active, please select chat using '/msg [number]' or '/chat [number]'");
else if (publicKeys.TryGetValue(currentChat!, out RSA? key))
// TODO: add signature and origin please yes thank you
byte[] userMsg = key.Encrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input), RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA256);
byte[] req = Request.CreateRequest(
ref counter,
[.. Utils.NumberToBytes(currentChat!), .. BitConverter.GetBytes(userMsg.Length)]);
req = sk.EncryptCfb(req, sk.IV);
stream.Write([.. req, .. userMsg]);
Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}] Sent to server: {input}");
Console.WriteLine($"active chat exists, but no key was found...");
static async Task HandleServerInput(TcpClient client, NetworkStream stream)
static async Task<RSA?> GetPublicKey(NetworkStream stream, Aes sk, string chat)
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
while (client.Connected)
byte[] req = Request.CreateRequest(RequestType.GetUserKey, ref counter, Utils.NumberToBytes(chat));
req = sk.EncryptCfb(req, sk.IV, PaddingMode.None); // no need for padding this is exactly 128 bytes
await stream.WriteAsync(req);
byte[] response = new byte[1024];
int len = await stream.ReadAsync(response);
byte[] key = sk.DecryptCfb(response[..len], sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
if (key[0] == 1)
int readLen = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer);
if (readLen != 0)
string fromServer = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer[..readLen]);
Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}] From server: {fromServer}");
Console.WriteLine($"failed getting key for {chat}: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(key[1..])}");
return null;
RSA bobsKey = RSA.Create();
bobsKey.ImportRSAPublicKey(key.AsSpan()[1..], out int _);
Console.WriteLine($"Got key:\n {bobsKey.ExportRSAPublicKeyPem()}\n");
return bobsKey;
static async Task GetMessages(NetworkStream stream, Aes sk, RSA privKey, Dictionary<string, RSA> publicKeys)
byte[] req = Request.CreateRequest(RequestType.GetMessages, ref counter, []);
req = sk.EncryptCfb(req, sk.IV, PaddingMode.None); // no need for padding this is exactly 128 bytes
await stream.WriteAsync(req);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int len = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer);
byte[] lengths = buffer[..16];
lengths = sk.DecryptCfb(lengths, sk.IV, PaddingMode.None);
byte[] msg = new byte[1024]; // msg buffer
int start = 16; // skip the first 16 bytes since its the lengths message
foreach (byte l in lengths.Take(15))
if (l == 0) { break; } // a 0 means we are done actually, as empty messages shouldn't be allowed
// get the msg
int end = start + l;
if (end > len)
// we need to read more as there was use of more than 1024 overall
// todo for now
// TODO: read more incoming bytes when messages exceed the 1024 buffer
Console.WriteLine($"got ecnryped message: {Convert.ToBase64String(buffer[start..end])}");
// decrypt the message
if (privKey.TryDecrypt(buffer.AsSpan()[start..end], msg, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA256, out int written))
byte[] dec = msg[..written];
Console.WriteLine($"decrypted message: {Convert.ToBase64String(dec)}");
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dec)}");
// what if we cant decrypt the message? well, i doubt there is anything we can do about it
// even if we know who sent the message we dont know which message it is unless the server also knows
// and i dont want the server to be aware of that, i think it makes more sense for the server to act as a relay
// and a buffer than an actual participant, so if the message is failing to decrypt that will go unnoticed.
// supposedly the sender will notice the lack of ACK and send it again
Console.WriteLine("Incoming message failed to decrypt, unknown sender");
bool hasMoreMessages = lengths[15] != 0;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public static class Request
string res = $"V: {Request[0]}, ";
res += $"Request type: {(RequestType)Request[1]}, ";
res += $"Counter: {Request[2]}\n";
res += $"Extra: {string.Join(' ', Request[3..].Select(b => b.ToString("{b8}")))}";
res += $"Extra: {string.Join(' ', Request[3..].Select(b => b.ToString("b8")))}\n";
// also display extra data based on the request itself
switch ((RequestType)Request[1])
@ -68,8 +68,13 @@ public static class Request
case RequestType.GetMessages:
case RequestType.GetUserKey:
phone = Utils.BytesToNumber(Request[3..11]);
res += $"Phone: {phone}";
case RequestType.SendMessage:
phone = Utils.BytesToNumber(Request[3..11]);
int msgLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(Request, 11);
res += $"Phone: {phone}, Message length: {msgLen}";
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
@ -8,20 +9,36 @@ public class Data
public Dictionary<string, RSA> Keys { set; get; } = [];
public Dictionary<string, Queue<byte[]>> Messages { set; get; } = [];
public RSA? GetKey(string Phone) {
public RSA? GetKey(string Phone)
return Keys.TryGetValue(Phone, out RSA? value) ? value : null;
public Queue<byte[]>? GetMessages(string Phone) {
public List<byte[]>? GetMessages(string Phone, int limit = -1)
// Check we have a RSA key for the phone and get the messages
if(!Keys.ContainsKey(Phone)) { return null; }
if(Messages.TryGetValue(Phone, out Queue<byte[]>? value)) {
return value;
if (!Keys.ContainsKey(Phone)) { return null; }
if (Messages.TryGetValue(Phone, out Queue<byte[]>? value))
List<byte[]> msgs = new(limit == -1 ? value.Count : Math.Min(value.Count, limit));
int count = 0;
while (count != limit && value.TryDequeue(out byte[]? m))
count += 1;
return msgs;
else {
// generate a new queue because one doesnt already exists
Messages[Phone] = new Queue<byte[]>();
return Messages[Phone];
return []; // no messages were in the list so no reason to attempt to send any message
public bool PeekMessages(string Phone)
return Messages.TryGetValue(Phone, out Queue<byte[]>? value) && value.TryPeek(out var _);
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
@ -37,7 +39,18 @@ public class Program
// Currently, every time it gets a block, it will simply send it back but ToUpper
TcpClient client = await server.AcceptTcpClientAsync();
_ = Task.Run(async () => await HandleClient(client, connectionCounter));
_ = Task.Run(async () =>
await HandleClient(client, connectionCounter, key);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Client crashed: {ex.Message}");
connectionCounter += 1;
@ -52,21 +65,30 @@ public class Program
static async Task HandleClient(TcpClient client, int id)
static async Task HandleClient(TcpClient client, int id, RSA pubKey)
Write(id, "Got a new client");
string clientPhone = "";
NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
byte counter = 0;
// Get AES session key
int len = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer);
Write(id, $"Got {len} bytes");
byte[] skBytes = pubKey.Decrypt(buffer[..len], RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA256);
Aes sk = Aes.Create();
sk.Key = buffer[..32]; // just to make sure no one sends a too big to be true key
sk.IV = buffer[32..len];
Write(id, "key + iv: " + len.ToString());
sk.Key = skBytes[..32]; // just to make sure no one sends a too big to be true key
sk.IV = skBytes[32..];
Write(id, $"key: {string.Join(' ', sk.Key)}");
Write(id, $"IV: {string.Join(' ', sk.IV)}");
await stream.WriteAsync(new byte[] { 0 });
// Get first message (should be either login or )
// Get first message (should be either login or register)
len = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer);
byte[] msg = sk.DecryptCfb(buffer[..MSG_LEN], sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
Write(id, $"Got {len} bytes");
byte[] msgDec = sk.DecryptCfb(buffer[..len], sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
byte[] msg = msgDec[..MSG_LEN];
Write(id, Request.RequestToString(msg));
if (msg[0] != 0)
Write(id, "Invalid session id!");
@ -80,10 +102,12 @@ public class Program
// get phone number
string phone = Utils.BytesToNumber(msg[3..11]);
Write(id, $"Client wants to register as {phone}");
clientPhone = phone;
int keyLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(msg, 11);
RSA pub = RSA.Create();
pub.ImportRSAPublicKey(buffer.AsSpan()[MSG_LEN..], out int bytesRead);
pub.ImportRSAPublicKey(msgDec.AsSpan()[MSG_LEN..], out int bytesRead);
Write(id, $"Imported key len: {bytesRead} while client claims it is {keyLen}");
Write(id, $"Imported key is: \n {pub.ExportRSAPublicKeyPem()}\n");
// generate the 6 digit code and send it
byte[] code = [
@ -101,7 +125,8 @@ public class Program
tries -= 1;
len = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer);
Write(id, $"Got 6 digit code with sig, len: {len}");
msg = sk.DecryptCfb(buffer[..MSG_LEN], sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
msg = sk.DecryptCfb(buffer[..MSG_LEN], sk.IV, PaddingMode.None);
Write(id, Request.RequestToString(msg));
byte[] sig = buffer[MSG_LEN..len];
if (msg[0] != 0 || msg[1] != (byte)RequestType.ConfirmRegister || msg[2] != counter)
@ -145,6 +170,7 @@ public class Program
else if (msg[1] == (byte)RequestType.Login)
// verify login
// TODO: Login
@ -162,6 +188,7 @@ public class Program
// either by getting new messages for other ppl, or sending back keys/pending messages
len = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer);
msg = sk.DecryptCfb(buffer[..MSG_LEN], sk.IV, PaddingMode.None);
Write(id, Request.RequestToString(msg));
// verify that the counter message is correct
if (msg[0] != 0 || msg[2] != counter)
@ -173,22 +200,47 @@ public class Program
switch ((RequestType)msg[1])
case RequestType.GetMessages:
byte[] msgsLens = new byte[16]; // 128 bits
// get 15 messages, last byte will indicate if there are more
List<byte[]> msgs = Data.GetMessages(clientPhone, 15) ?? [];
byte[] msgsBytes = new byte[msgs.Select(m => m.Length).Sum()];
int msgsbytesIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < msgsLens.Length - 1; i += 1)
// it is expected that all messages will be less than 255 bytes, hence a single byte to
// denote length is sufficient, but a simple update to the protocol can allow up to 7 messages
// per request (instead of 15), and use an ushort (u16) instead
msgsLens[i] = (byte)(msgs.Count > i ? msgs[i].Length : 0);
if (i < msgs.Count)
// copy the message to the msgsBytes array
Array.Copy(msgs[i], 0, msgsBytes, msgsbytesIndex, msgs[i].Length);
msgsLens[15] = Data.PeekMessages(clientPhone) ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
// only need to encrypt the lengths of the messages, as the messages themselves are encrypted
msgsLens = sk.EncryptCfb(msgsLens, sk.IV, PaddingMode.None);
byte[] finalPayload = [.. msgsLens, .. msgsBytes];
await stream.WriteAsync(finalPayload);
case RequestType.GetUserKey:
string phone = Utils.BytesToNumber(msg[3..11]);
RSA? key = Data.GetKey(phone);
if (key != null)
msg = sk.EncryptCfb(key.ExportRSAPublicKey(), sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
msg = [0, .. key.ExportRSAPublicKey()];
msg = sk.EncryptCfb(msg, sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
await stream.WriteAsync(msg);
msg = sk.EncryptCfb(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("USER DOES NOT EXIST"), sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
msg = [1, .. Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("USER DOES NOT EXIST")];
msg = sk.EncryptCfb(msg, sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
await stream.WriteAsync(msg);
case RequestType.SendMessage:
msg = sk.EncryptCfb(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("INVALID REQUEST"), sk.IV, PaddingMode.PKCS7);
Add table
Reference in a new issue