using System.Text; namespace lib; public static class Utils { // some print color coding constants for ease of change later /// Encrypted stuff public const ConsoleColor C_ENC = ConsoleColor.Green; /// Non encrypted stuff (either before encryption or after decryption) public const ConsoleColor C_DEC = ConsoleColor.Red; /// System messages public const ConsoleColor C_SYS = ConsoleColor.Yellow; public static byte[] NumberToBytes(string Number) { if (Number.Any(c => !char.IsDigit(c)) || Number.Length > 16) { throw new Exception("Invalid arguments!"); } byte[] res = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)0b1111_1111, 8).ToArray(); // Pad Number if needed to be of even length (because each 2 digits are turned into 1 byte) Number = Number.Length % 2 == 0 ? Number : Number + '-'; for (int i = 0; i < Number.Length - 1; i += 2) { char c1 = Number[i]; char c2 = Number[i + 1]; res[i / 2] = (byte)((DigitToByte(c1) << 4) | DigitToByte(c2)); } return res; } public static string BytesToNumber(byte[] Bytes) { string s = ""; foreach (byte b in Bytes) { byte b1 = (byte)((b >> 4) & 0b1111); byte b2 = (byte)(b & 0b1111); s = s + ByteToDigit(b1) + ByteToDigit(b2); } return new string(s.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray()); } public static byte DigitToByte(char c) { if (int.TryParse(c.ToString(), out int d)) { return (byte)d; } else { return 0b1111; // empty, turned into '-' later to be discarded } } public static char ByteToDigit(byte b) { byte offset = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("0")[0]; if (b == 0b1111) { return '-'; } else { return Encoding.ASCII.GetChars([(byte)(b + offset)])[0]; } } }