
332 lines
15 KiB

use bevy::math::{Vec3Swizzles, Mat2};
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_egui::{egui, EguiContext};
use bevy_prototype_lyon::prelude::{Path, DrawMode};
use crate::*;
#[derive(Default, Deref, DerefMut, Clone)]
pub struct SelectedItem(pub Option<Entity>);
pub fn action_bar_sys(
mut coms: Commands,
assets: Res<AssetServer>,
mut egui_ctx: ResMut<EguiContext>,
mut state: ResMut<UiState>,
colors: Res<ButtonsColors>,
) {
.default_pos((20.0, 20.0))
.show(egui_ctx.ctx_mut(), |ui| {
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
let m = hui.button(egui::RichText::new("M").color(state.current_action_color(&colors, Action::Modify)))
if m.clicked() {
state.current_action = Action::Modify;
let c = hui.button(egui::RichText::new("C").color(state.current_action_color(&colors, Action::Create)))
if c.clicked() {
state.current_action = Action::Create;
hui.label(" | ");
if hui.button(" I ").on_hover_text("Import Image").clicked() {
let file = rfd::FileDialog::new()
.add_filter("Pngs", &["png"])
.set_title("Please dont try to pick a cat instead of an image(although you can pick a cat image)")
if let Some(file) = file {
let name = String::from(file.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap_or("Image"));
let image: Handle<Image> = assets.load(file);
coms.spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle {
texture: image,
hui.label(": :");
if state.current_action == Action::Create {
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
let tri = hui.button(egui::RichText::new("Tri").color(state.create_shape_color(&colors, CreateShape::Triangle)))
.on_hover_text("Triangle - from 3 edges");
if tri.clicked() {
state.create_shape = CreateShape::Triangle;
let squ = hui.button(egui::RichText::new("Squ").color(state.create_shape_color(&colors, CreateShape::Square)))
.on_hover_text("Square - from 2 opposing edges");
if squ.clicked() {
state.create_shape = CreateShape::Square;
let cir = hui.button(egui::RichText::new("Cir").color(state.create_shape_color(&colors, CreateShape::Circle)))
.on_hover_text("Circle - center point and radius");
if cir.clicked() {
state.create_shape = CreateShape::Circle;
// let cap = hui.button(egui::RichText::new("Cap").color(state.create_shape_color(&colors, CreateShape::Capsule)))
// .on_hover_text("Capsule - from 2 center points and a radius");
// if cap.clicked() {
// state.create_shape = CreateShape::Capsule;
// }
pub fn grid_window_sys(
mut grid: ResMut<SnapGrid>,
mut egui_ctx: ResMut<EguiContext>,
) {
egui::Window::new("Snap Grid")
.default_pos((500.0, 20.0))
.show(egui_ctx.ctx_mut(), |ui| {
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
hui.checkbox(&mut grid.snap, "Snap Enabled");
hui.checkbox(&mut grid.visible, "Visible");
ui.label("Grid size:");
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut grid.width));
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut grid.height));
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut grid.offset.x));
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut grid.offset.y));
/// Items tree
/// Select items to edit in an inspector window/panel,
/// or just change the visibility of items
/// TODO: Allow drag and drop to re-order + reparent
pub fn items_tree_sys(
mut selected: ResMut<SelectedItem>,
mut egui_ctx: ResMut<EguiContext>,
shapes:Query<(Entity, &ShapeData)>,
images: Query<(Entity, &ImageName), With<Sprite>>,
mut draw_modes: Query<&mut DrawMode, With<ShapeData>>,
mut visible: Query<&mut Visibility, Or<(With<Path>, With<Sprite>)>>,
) {
.show(egui_ctx.ctx_mut(), |ui| {
for (e, sd) in shapes.iter() {
let entity_selected = if let Some(se) = **selected && se == e { true } else { false };
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
let color = if entity_selected { egui::Color32::GOLD } else { egui::Color32::WHITE };
let label = egui::Label::new(egui::RichText::new(&;
if hui.add(label).clicked() {
if entity_selected {
**selected = None;
else {
**selected = Some(e);
if let Ok(mut v) = visible.get_mut(e) {
let rt = egui::RichText::new("V");
if hui.button(if v.is_visible { rt } else { rt.strikethrough() }).clicked() {
v.is_visible ^= true;
if let Ok(mut dm) = draw_modes.get_mut(e) {
if let DrawMode::Outlined { fill_mode: _ , outline_mode: o } = &mut *dm {
o.color = if entity_selected { Color::GOLD } else { Color::rgba(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6) };
for (e, n) in images.iter() {
let entity_selected = if let Some(se) = **selected && se == e { true } else { false };
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
let color = if entity_selected { egui::Color32::GOLD } else { egui::Color32::WHITE };
let label = egui::Label::new(egui::RichText::new(&**n).color(color)).sense(egui::Sense::click());
if hui.add(label).clicked() {
if entity_selected {
**selected = None;
else {
**selected = Some(e);
if let Ok(mut v) = visible.get_mut(e) {
let rt = egui::RichText::new("V");
if hui.button(if v.is_visible { rt } else { rt.strikethrough() }).clicked() {
v.is_visible ^= true;
pub fn inspector_sys(
mut selected: ResMut<SelectedItem>, // Which item is currently selected
mut coms: Commands, // For deletion!
mut egui_ctx: ResMut<EguiContext>,
mut shapes: Query<&mut ShapeData>,
mut transforms: Query<&mut Transform>,
global_transforms: Query<&GlobalTransform>,
mut paths: Query<&mut Path>,
mut draw_modes: Query<&mut DrawMode, With<Path>>,
mut visible: Query<&mut Visibility, Or<(With<Path>, With<Sprite>)>>,
mut images: Query<&mut ImageName, With<Sprite>>,
) {
if let Some(e) = **selected {
let mut open = true;
.default_pos((350.0, 350.0))
.fixed_size((150.0, f32::INFINITY))
.open(&mut open)
.show(egui_ctx.ctx_mut(), |ui| {
if let Ok(mut sd) = shapes.get_mut(e) {
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
if let Ok(mut t) = transforms.get_mut(sd.main_shape) {
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut t.translation.x));
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut t.translation.y));
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
let mut rot = t.rotation.to_euler(EulerRot::XYZ).2.to_degrees();
if hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut rot).suffix("°")).changed() {
t.rotation = Quat::from_rotation_z(rot.to_radians());
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut t.translation.z).clamp_range(0..=i32::MAX));
for (i, edge) in sd.edges.iter().enumerate() {
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
hui.label(format!("Edge {}", i));
let gt = global_transforms.get(*edge).unwrap();
let mut gt_x = gt.translation().x;
let mut gt_y = gt.translation().y;
let c1 = hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut gt_x)).changed();
let c2 = hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut gt_y)).changed();
if c1 || c2 {
let rot = gt.to_scale_rotation_translation().1;
let ang = rot.to_euler(EulerRot::XYZ).2;
let delta = Mat2::from_angle(-ang) * (Vec2::new(gt_x, gt_y) - gt.translation().xy());
if let Ok(mut t) = transforms.get_mut(*edge) {
t.translation += delta.extend(0.0);
// We need to recalculate the center, and update the points to be the new relevant point from the center
let center_offset = modify::calc_shape_center_offset(&transforms, &*sd);
// Update each edge's offset, and then move the main shape's translation
for edge in sd.edges.iter() {
if let Ok(mut t) = transforms.get_mut(*edge) {
t.translation -= center_offset.extend(0.0);
if let Ok(mut t) = transforms.get_mut(sd.main_shape) {
t.translation += (Mat2::from_angle(ang) * center_offset).extend(0.0);
// Now we need to update the shape itself
modify::update_main_shape(&mut paths, &transforms, &*sd);
if let Ok(mut v) = visible.get_mut(e) {
ui.checkbox(&mut v.is_visible, "Visible");
if let Ok(mut dm) = draw_modes.get_mut(e) {
if let DrawMode::Outlined { fill_mode: f, outline_mode: _ } = &mut *dm {
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
hui.label("Color: ");
let mut color = [f.color.r(), f.color.g(), f.color.b(), f.color.a()];
if hui.color_edit_button_rgba_unmultiplied(&mut color).changed() {
f.color = Color::from(color);
if ui.button("Delete").clicked() {
**selected = None;
else if let Ok(mut name) = images.get_mut(e) {
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
hui.text_edit_singleline(&mut **name);
if let Ok(mut t) = transforms.get_mut(e) {
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut t.translation.x));
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut t.translation.y));
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
let mut rot = t.rotation.to_euler(EulerRot::XYZ).2.to_degrees();
if hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut rot).suffix("°")).changed() {
t.rotation = Quat::from_rotation_z(rot.to_radians());
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut t.translation.z).clamp_range(0..=i32::MAX));
ui.horizontal(|hui| {
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut t.scale.x).speed(0.01));
hui.add(egui::DragValue::new(&mut t.scale.y).speed(0.01));
if ui.button("Delete").clicked() {
**selected = None;
if !open {
**selected = None;