
2.1 KiB

Project - TODO:

[x] implement SendMessage at the server [ ] implement Login [ ] client [ ] server [x] Figure out how to do the messages themselves [x] Figure out how to pass the signature (i think it must be as a second packet) [x] implement sending messages properly [x] implement message acks

Protocol todo:

[x] Figure out how a message and message ack payload will look

Misc todo:

[x] Create a Request to String function for easy printing and debugging

client todo:

[ ] Check for key when turned on [x] generate key and register if no key is preset, and save it after registration is done [ ] if key is present, start by establishing connection (which makes sure we are signed in) [x] use AES to get basic packets from the server [x] use RSA private key to read normal messages

Server todo:

[x] Laucnh task for each new connection [x] use RSA key to get first message and extract AES key [ ] verify the user using its public RSA key [x] if it was a register session save the key into the BIG DATA STRUCTURE [x] Keep lists of incoming messages (doesnt need to know from who, they are just big blobs of shlomp) [x] When user asks for incoming messages, make basic packet and append the incoming messages - last byte is the "how many messages are left" byte - each byte in the extra data will be the length of the next message, so if there are 3 messages of length 128, 200, 300 bytes it will be [128, 200, 300, 0 ...] and the actual position in the payload is easy to calculate ([128, 200+128=328, 300+328=628, ...])

Register process:

Client Server

Send AES key (sk) Send Register(pub key) Get AES Get Register Send 6 digit code Get 6 digit code (1) Wait for user to input 6 digit code Send 6 digit code (signed) Get 6 digit code and verify (code, then sig) Send OK/NACK if NACK goto (1)

Login process:

Client Server

Send AES key (sk) Send Login message (Phone, AES sig) Get AES key Verify AES sig with Phone-pub key if sig is invalid: close connection else: send stored messages because why not

Usual process get messages:

Client Server

Send GetMessages Send back messages Send GotMessages(amount)