add AccessLevel stuff to charactersheet trait
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 77 additions and 32 deletions
@ -17,15 +17,25 @@ pub trait Character<E: GameEntry> : CharacterSheet {
pub trait CharacterSheet : Default {
/// Character sheet inputs (stuff that are not calculated from different items), such as Name, Age, Strength
fn inputs(&self) -> Vec<(String, EntryType)>;
/// All fields in the character sheet
fn inputs(&self, access: AccessLevel) -> Vec<(String, EntryType)>;
/// All fields in the character sheet, maybe change it to only a vec of strings?
fn fields(&self) -> Vec<(String, EntryType)>;
/// Character sheet to display, ordered. `None`s can be used to convey a seperator (of any sort)
fn display(&self) -> Vec<Option<(String, EntryType)>>;
fn display(&self, access: AccessLevel) -> Vec<Option<(String, EntryType)>>;
/// Gets a character sheet entry value
fn get(&self, entry: &str) -> Option<EntryType>;
fn get(&self, entry: &str, access: AccessLevel) -> Option<EntryType>;
/// Sets a cahrater sheet entry value
fn set(&mut self, entry: &str, value: EntryType);
fn set(&mut self, entry: &str, value: EntryType, access: AccessLevel);
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum AccessLevel {
Admin = 0, Owner = 1, PartyMember = 2, World = 3,
impl AccessLevel {
pub fn has_access(self, other: Self) -> bool {
(self as u8) <= (other as u8)
@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ pub mod chat_message;
pub mod entry;
pub trait GameImpl<C: Character<A> + Serialize, A: entry::GameEntry + Serialize> {
/// Creates a new game
fn new() -> Self;
fn create_character(&mut self);
/// Creates a new character, returning the character id
fn create_character(&mut self) -> usize;
pub struct Game<C: Character<A> + Serialize, A: entry::GameEntry + Serialize> {
@ -27,7 +29,8 @@ impl<C: Character<A> + Serialize, A: entry::GameEntry + Serialize> GameImpl<C, A
fn create_character(&mut self) {
fn create_character(&mut self) -> usize {
self.characters.len() - 1
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ impl GameServer {
.with_roll(DiceRoll::new("Pierce".to_string(), 12, 1).constant(1))
.with_roll(DiceRoll::new("Fire".to_string(), 4, 2))
.with_action(ActionDefinition::new("Attack +3".to_string()))
.with_action(ActionDefinition::new("Attack +3".to_string()).with_roll(DiceRoll::new("Base".to_string(), 20, 1)))
.with_action(ActionDefinition::new("Attack -1".to_string()))
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ impl GameServer {
println!("Got message from {}: {:?}", &id, &req);
match req {
// ignore errors and re-login requests
api::Request::Error => {}
api::Request::Login(_) => {}
api::Request::Message(mut msg) => {
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use entry::{Entry, Weapon};
pub struct Pathfinder2rCharacterSheet {
// Genral stuff
name: String,
#[InputExpr(set_items, get_items)]
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ pub struct Pathfinder2rCharacterSheet {
// Skills
#[FieldExpr(self.dex + self.acrobatics_prof * 2)]
_acro: i32,
#[Input("Acrobatics Prof")]
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, Group, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput, Ident};
use syn::{parse_macro_input, Attribute, DeriveInput, Ident};
#[proc_macro_derive(CharacterSheet, attributes(Input, InputExpr, Field, FieldExpr, Seperator))]
#[proc_macro_derive(CharacterSheet, attributes(Input, InputExpr, Field, FieldExpr, Seperator, Access, AccessSet))]
pub fn derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let DeriveInput { ident, data, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);
let mut output = quote! {
@ -49,13 +49,21 @@ fn get_type_ident_set(ty: &syn::Type) -> Option<Ident> {
_ => panic!("Invalid data type"),
fn get_access_level(attrs: &Vec<Attribute>, ident: &str) -> Ident {
.find(|a| a.path.is_ident(ident))
.map(|a| a.parse_args().unwrap_or(None))
.unwrap_or(Ident::new(&"Owner", Span::call_site()))
fn impl_inputs(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
let mut output = TokenStream::new();
output.extend(quote! {
fn inputs(&self) -> Vec<(String, EntryType)>
fn inputs(&self, access: AccessLevel) -> Vec<(String, EntryType)>
let mut items = TokenStream::new();
let mut count = 0_usize;
if let syn::Data::Struct(ds) = data {
if let syn::Fields::Named(fs) = &ds.fields {
for f in &fs.named {
@ -64,13 +72,17 @@ fn impl_inputs(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
if let Some(attr) = attr {
let arg: syn::LitStr = attr.parse_args().expect("No arguments supplied for Input attribute, usage: `Input(\"Name\")`");
let exp: Option<&syn::Attribute> = f.attrs.iter().find(|a| a.path.is_ident("InputExpr"));
let access = get_access_level(&f.attrs, "AccessSet");
count += 1;
if let Some(attr) = exp {
let exp: syn::Meta = attr.parse_meta().expect("Failed to parse MetaList!");
if let syn::Meta::List(l) = exp {
let from_input = &l.nested[1];
items.extend(quote! {
(#arg.to_string(), self.#from_input()),
if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) {
v.push((#arg.to_string(), self.#from_input()));
else {
panic!("Failed parsing InputExpr attribute, expected `(&mut self, EntryType), (&self) -> EntryType`");
@ -79,15 +91,18 @@ fn impl_inputs(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
else {
let t = get_type_ident(&f.ty).expect(&format!("Invalid type for input: {}", name));
items.extend(quote! {
(#arg.to_string(), EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone())),
if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) {
v.push((#arg.to_string(), EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone())));
let mut vec = quote! { Vec::from };
vec.append(Group::new(Delimiter::Parenthesis, Group::new(Delimiter::Bracket, items).to_token_stream()));
let mut vec = quote! { let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(#count); };
vec.extend(quote! { v });
output.append(Group::new(Delimiter::Brace, vec));
@ -159,13 +174,14 @@ fn impl_fields(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
fn impl_get(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
let mut output = TokenStream::new();
output.extend(quote! {
fn get(&self, entry: &str) -> Option<EntryType>
fn get(&self, entry: &str, access: AccessLevel) -> Option<EntryType>
let mut match_hands = TokenStream::new();
if let syn::Data::Struct(ds) = data {
if let syn::Fields::Named(fs) = &ds.fields {
for f in &fs.named {
let name = f.ident.clone().unwrap();
let access = get_access_level(&f.attrs, "Access");
let input_attr = f.attrs.iter().find(|a| a.path.is_ident("Input"));
if let Some(attr) = input_attr {
let arg: syn::LitStr = attr.parse_args().expect("No arguments supplied for Input attribute, usage: `Input(\"Name\")`");
@ -175,7 +191,7 @@ fn impl_get(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
if let syn::Meta::List(l) = exp {
let from_input = &l.nested[1];
match_hands.extend(quote! {
#arg => Some(self.#from_input()),
#arg => if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) { Some(self.#from_input()) } else { None },
else {
@ -185,7 +201,7 @@ fn impl_get(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
else {
let t = get_type_ident(&f.ty).expect(&format!("Invalid type for input: {}", name));
match_hands.extend(quote! {
#arg => Some(EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone())),
#arg => if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) { Some(EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone())) } else { None },
@ -197,13 +213,13 @@ fn impl_get(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
if let Some(exp) = field_expr {
let exp: syn::Expr = exp.parse_args().expect("Invalid expression");
match_hands.extend(quote! {
#arg => Some(EntryType::Number(#exp)),
#arg => if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) { Some(EntryType::Number(#exp)) } else { None },
else {
// No expression, guess we just push this and nothing special (should prob be an input but mehhh)
match_hands.extend(quote! {
#arg => Some(EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone())),
#arg => if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) { Some(EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone())) } else { None },
@ -221,7 +237,7 @@ fn impl_get(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
fn impl_set(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
let mut output = TokenStream::new();
output.extend(quote! {
fn set(&mut self, entry: &str, value: EntryType)
fn set(&mut self, entry: &str, value: EntryType, access: AccessLevel)
let mut match_hands = TokenStream::new();
@ -230,6 +246,7 @@ fn impl_set(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
for f in &fs.named {
let name = f.ident.clone().unwrap();
let input_attr = f.attrs.iter().find(|a| a.path.is_ident("Input"));
let access = get_access_level(&f.attrs, "AccessSet");
if let Some(attr) = input_attr {
let arg: syn::LitStr = attr.parse_args().expect("No arguments supplied for Input attribute, usage: `Input(\"Name\")`");
let exp = f.attrs.iter().find(|a| a.path.is_ident("InputExpr"));
@ -238,7 +255,7 @@ fn impl_set(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
if let syn::Meta::List(l) = exp {
let to_input = &l.nested[0];
match_hands.extend(quote! {
#arg => self.#to_input(value),
#arg => if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) { self.#to_input(value) },
else {
@ -248,7 +265,7 @@ fn impl_set(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
else {
let t = get_type_ident_set(&f.ty).expect(&format!("Invalid type for input: {}", name));
match_hands.extend(quote! {
#arg => self.#name = value.#t(),
#arg => if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) { self.#name = value.#t() },
@ -266,17 +283,20 @@ fn impl_set(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
fn impl_display(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
let mut output = TokenStream::new();
output.extend(quote! {
fn display(&self) -> Vec<Option<(String, EntryType)>>
fn display(&self, access: AccessLevel) -> Vec<Option<(String, EntryType)>>
let mut items = TokenStream::new();
let mut count = 0_usize;
if let syn::Data::Struct(ds) = data {
if let syn::Fields::Named(fs) = &ds.fields {
for f in &fs.named {
let name = f.ident.clone().unwrap();
if f.attrs.iter().any(|a| a.path.is_ident("Seperator")) {
items.extend(quote! { None, })
items.extend(quote! { v.push(None); })
let access = get_access_level(&f.attrs, "Access");
count += 1;
let input_attr = f.attrs.iter().find(|a| a.path.is_ident("Input"));
if let Some(attr) = input_attr {
let arg: syn::LitStr = attr.parse_args().expect("No arguments supplied for Input attribute, usage: `Input(\"Name\")`");
@ -286,7 +306,9 @@ fn impl_display(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
if let syn::Meta::List(l) = exp {
let from_input = &l.nested[1];
items.extend(quote! {
Some((#arg.to_string(), self.#from_input())),
if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) {
v.push(Some((#arg.to_string(), self.#from_input())));
else {
@ -296,7 +318,9 @@ fn impl_display(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
else {
let t = get_type_ident(&f.ty).expect(&format!("Invalid type for input: {}", name));
items.extend(quote! {
Some((#arg.to_string(), EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone()))),
if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) {
Some((#arg.to_string(), EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone())));
@ -308,13 +332,17 @@ fn impl_display(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
if let Some(exp) = field_expr {
let exp: syn::Expr = exp.parse_args().expect("Invalid expression");
items.extend(quote! {
Some((#arg.to_string(), EntryType::Number(#exp))),
if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) {
Some((#arg.to_string(), EntryType::Number(#exp)));
else {
// No expression, guess we just push this and nothing special (should prob be an input but mehhh)
items.extend(quote! {
Some((#arg.to_string(), EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone()))),
if AccessLevel::#access.has_access(access) {
Some((#arg.to_string(), EntryType::#t(self.#name.clone())));
@ -322,8 +350,9 @@ fn impl_display(data: &syn::Data) -> TokenStream {
let mut vec = quote! { Vec::from };
vec.append(Group::new(Delimiter::Parenthesis, Group::new(Delimiter::Bracket, items).to_token_stream()));
let mut vec = quote! { let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(#count); };
vec.extend( items);
vec.extend(quote! { v });
output.append(Group::new(Delimiter::Brace, vec));
Reference in a new issue