
1.1 KiB


Mostly a working level editor, why should you use it? because it exists and allows to make levels without tilemaps...


Left mouse click for mostly everything, when creating a shape you it will build the shape as you go(giving you a visual indicator).

If you want to cancel a shape mid-build you can right click to undo the shape

When an item is selected in the items tree window(will be written in gold), clicking X will delete it


  • Pick default color for shapes
  • Undo/Redo history(ctrl + Z/ctrl + shift + Z)
  • Select item by clicking/double clicking on the relevant shape/image

Quality of life todo

  • Double click on shape in tree view will center the relevant shape
  • Grab shapes instead of center points
  • Reorder items tree
  • Allow for more types of export/import
  • Allow to set a relative export path for images(also allow to select when importing/save it in the saved file)
  • Group shapes/images under an empty/another object with an actual tree view

Maybe, just maybe todo

  • Duplicate shapes/images